esther m palmer

mov/ed class: finding awareness through anatomy

Learning a fact or two about how our bodies work (generally) can make a big difference in your awareness of self -- perhaps because it provides a new layer to an experience you already trust, or because it provides an explanation for an experience you question, or even because it opens us up to being curious and discovering new awareness of experiences that have been there all along...

Listen to "Moved Class 4 Awareness through anatomy"

What’s in this episode of Moved to Heal?

Welcome movers! This week's practice is in the same style as my live mov/ed classes in which I use offer forms and movements with some additional information about potential effects a movement might have -- possible stretch or strength effects -- always offering choices and inviting you to practice as you choose.


While creating this practice, I was keeping in mind finding awareness through learning some anatomical facts.


The forms + movements offered in this episode

You can participate in this practice by listening and/or moving. You're welcome to do or not do any of the practices, and in whatever manner or degree you choose.

Be moving, be true, be you

photo credit nico mksmc, found on unsplash

Thoughts or questions? I'd love to hear them.

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
Want a personal introduction? You can schedule a time below.
copyright © 2024 esther m palmer