You know how baby's like being rocked to sleep? Most adults find rocking, or swaying, pretty darn soothing, too.
What’s in this episode?
"Sway to Center" meditation uses a simple swaying motion to ease into a simple internal awareness of "center" (a vertical central column this time) and find focus.
How can you use this practice?
I like starting with the sway when I already feel relaxed --too relaxed to want to sit up and meditate! And, on the flip side, I find it's a good way to ease into "calming down" your mind -- it's like preparing your brain to quiet by creating a comfortable steadiness in the body... through motion.
Give it a try the next time you just want a hug from your meditation practice.
Try it out when you're ready
Listen to "Ep 480 - Sway to Center Meditation" on Spreaker.
Be moving, be true,
photo credit anton darius on unsplash