Join me for a little grounding...
What’s in this episode?
The full "re-grounding" mantra series, chanted in the same practice I would use after meditation. I lead us in with alternate nostril breathing before inviting you to chant with me or listen in.
How can you use this practice?
This re-grounding practice is designed to help integrate meditation into your life... in a way. That way is called "Samyama," and I'll share more about that in the next episode, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, this is a great series for practicing chanting, centering/grounding (without meditation), and re-grounding after a long + deep meditation!
Give it a try when you're ready
Listen to "Ep 472 - Full Regrounding Series" on Spreaker.
Be moving, be true,
photo thanks to tim mossholder on unsplash