esther m palmer

finding "center" with hum sa

When I'm not sure what to do, or at least when I'm not sure what I should do in my practice, I turn to hum sa kriya, because it's the first practice I learned and it's a little bit like "home" for me.

What’s in this episode?

This week, I'm connecting to the "center" idea within hum sa kriya. I encourage you to imagine or envision a central channel of awareness within you -- one that you build at your own pace, of course.


After practicing...

... I feel "whole," physically at least. That's all, just that simple observation.

What do you notice after practicing?

Give it a try when you're ready

Listen to "Ep 476 - Hum Sa Kriya Meditation" on Spreaker.

Be moving, be true,

photo credit alexander mack on unsplash

Thoughts or questions? I'd love to hear them.

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
Want a personal introduction? You can schedule a time below.
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