esther m palmer

if you have a center, do you also have a boundary?

The tagline for ISHTA, the style of meditation I teach, is "unbound potential" in reference to the unbound nature of our connection to the greater universe. Or perhaps the unbound nature of the universe (but whether it is really, we don't yet know). It's an apt expression for the experience we sometimes encounter in meditation -- of feeling like one with our surroundings (whether the room or the universe) or of losing a sense of our own boundaries.

What’s in this episode?

In this week's practice of sat yam kriya, I'm using the technique to encourage you to imagine or build awareness of both your center and the boundaries around it, physical or imagined, so that you can, if you want to, let your awareness move through those boundaries. Move through, across, or to dissolve them...


What do you notice after practicing?

I wouldn't ask you to look for any particular effect or "result" from your meditation practice, but perhaps after practicing, you might take a beat to acknowledge what you notice in yourself after practicing. There's no right or wrong thing to notice!

Give it a try when you're ready

Listen to "Ep 478 - Sat Yam Kriya Meditation" on Spreaker.

Be moving, be true,

photo credit andrew coelho on unsplash

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
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