What’s this episode about?
Compassion meditations can boost your compassion and more. I talk about how that can be useful in your relationship not only with others, but also yourself.
Plus, the one reason I'm ready to add a compassion meditation to my regular practice!
What can I do with that?
I hope it inspires you to look a little deeper into where compassion comes into your life and the effects you feel or observe!
Go on and give it a listen, here:
Listen to "Ep 195 - Meditation, Compassionate Action, and Unconscious Bias" on Spreaker.
Ready to practice the meditation? Below is the week's "full practice" episode. Click here to listen to the "how to practice" instructions.
Listen to "Ep 192 - Full Self Awareness Meditation Practice" on Spreaker.
I'd love to hear about your experience -- and help out with any questions you have.
Practicing with you,