Esther's Everyday Meditation Podcast. Episode #388 with Hum Sa Kriya.
photo credit Derek Story on unsplash
Listen to "Ep 388 - Hum Sa Kriya Meditation - Imagining Sound" on Spreaker.
What’s in this episode?
I guide you through a version of the hum sa kriya meditation practice. Normally in hum sa, we focus on a visual of light moving along the spine and let the mantra "hum sa" take the place of "sound" (even though it's a silent mantra you say to yourself). In this practice, I ask you to "listen" to the vibration of the light -- or imagine a sound that might accompany your internal awareness of the light -- and bring a little more "hum" to hum sa.
What's it good for?
Probably just bringing variation into your practice! But it might also be the missing piece for those of you more connected to sound than to visual experiences!
If you want some detailed instructions before diving in, listen to "how to practice hum say kriya, ep #387"!
Ready to practice hum sa kriya?
I hope you'll try hum sa kriya through sound. You might find it a natural addition to your practice -- or completely at odds with the usual hum sa. Either way, I'd love to hear how it goes! Click on the bar below to drop me a line.
Practicing with you,
share your experience + questions