esther m palmer

My Students Have Things to Say

And were kind enough to let me share them with you! I hope their words help paint a picture of what working with me might be like for you, too.
Private online client
“I started yoga with Esther to increase flexibility and balance after several injuries. 6 months in, a very longstanding shoulder problem has significantly improved, and I am happy to discover that I am generally more willing to move. If you’re considering online yoga with Esther, do it! It is convenient, and Esther is very mindful of limitations and concerns."

"You will feel great!”
Private client
“Through my private sessions with Esther, I learned that I AM a yogi! That there was no wrong or right way, that although I’m not as flexible as a pretzel, that although I couldn’t do every single move without modifications for my body, that because I didn’t know all the Sanskrit names of the poses, it didn’t mean I wasn’t doing it right. Esther showed me that yoga is for everyone, that there is no ‘keeping up with others’, that my practice was my own and I could individualize it according to my abilities in a given day/stage/moment. That self- acceptance was very freeing and I am forever grateful to Esther for that. I now attend group classes and am unconcerned with what other participants are doing as long as I am feeling it!"

"Working with Esther is a “Hell YES!” in my book.”
Group class student
"Since starting Esther’s class, my practice has had less of a focus on how much I can do. I pay more attention to how it feels to do the forms as I work to remember my breathing. (When I remember my breathing!) I really appreciate Esther’s support for arriving on the mat at whatever level we happen to be at that day. Her kind words help me be more accepting of myself (when I remember to be!)."

"Esther’s positive attitude and generous spirit seem to leap through the screen."
Group class student
"Esther's openness and curiosity keep me coming back. The most valuable thing for me is to see her qualities and be inspired by them. ... In her yoga classes, I have grown more willing to work from the shapes being offered during class and adapt them to what I feel like I need… I’m taking a little more ownership."
"Love Your Moves" student
“Working with Esther is inspiring! Love Your Moves has made me feel really confident. Although there are still challenging things, I feel a lot better saying ‘that’s not for me anymore’ or ‘let me try this my way’. I was already doing that, but I got scared when my old options were not available. Now I am more confident to explore a different way… It takes constant tender love and care and work, Esther helped me restore my confidence in making good decisions for myself and my body. I feel like I got my mojo back :)”

“Thank you, Esther! You are fly :)”
"Love Your Moves" student
“After Love Your Moves, I feel way better equipped to approach exercise in this “new” body than I was before I started… The course helped me to accept that my body is not the same as last year, and that is okay."

"Working with Esther is spirit-lifting!”
Group class student
“To maintain your health, you have to ask yourself: “how can I deal with what’s going on today?” Some days it might be a breathing exercise, and some days it might be a vigorous practice, but having the totality of the practice— the diversity of ways to combat stress— is important. And you really do that — incorporate the whole package into your lessons.”
Teacher trainee + group class student
“…even as a beginner I felt immediately comfortable and had a great experience. Esther embodies the best of what a yoga teacher can be – someone who holds space for students to experience the energy and journey of their own practice. She balances a true respect for the heritage of yoga with a playful and encouraging teaching style that always leaves me ready for my next class.”

be moving

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
Want a personal introduction? You can schedule a time below.
copyright © 2025 esther m palmer