esther m palmer

revisiting: four-part breathing on moved to heal

In this practice, I'm inviting you to notice and/or engage with the "four parts" of your breathing: inhale, pause/transition, exhale, pause/transition.

Listen to "Four Part Breathing - RECAST Ep 13" on Spreaker.


What’s in this episode of moved to heal?

I introduce the "four parts" of breathing in two ways.

The first way is to notice what's already happening:

  • there's an inhale
  • then there's a moment of transition between inhale and exhale
  • then there's an exhale
  • and then another moment of transition between exhale and inhale

The second way is to engage with these four parts. Here are a few options:

  • allowing fuller or longer inhales and exhales
  • allowing more pause in the transition
  • creating an even rhythm between inhale and exhale

While you listen to the episode, you can do or not do any of the practices, and in whatever manner or degree you choose.


What makes this trauma informed?

Choices, invitations, noticing, open-ended experiments. Read more about those here.


Integration suggestion

After listening to the episode, perhaps take a moment to check in: did you notice something that you want to remember or follow up on? If yes, maybe jot it down in a notebook or record a voice memo to help you remember.

Be moving, be true, be you

photo credit garry clarke, found on unsplash

Thoughts or questions? I'd love to hear them.

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
Want a personal introduction? You can schedule a time below.
copyright © 2025 esther m palmer