esther m palmer

chanting A-U-M

A-U-M or OM

One of the ISHTA meditation practices includes humming or chanting "Aahh" then "Uooo" then "Mmmm". These are the component sounds of "OM," which is also chanted for devotion and meditation, though I rarely use it that way. So I thought I'd give it a try and compare the two.

This week, I lead the A-U-M practice as I normally teach it. Next week, I'll lead us through a version chanting OM, instead of the component parts. Try one or both practices and let me know -- do you prefer one? If noticeably different for you, how so?

Or just practice and let it be what it is. Enjoy!
Listen to "Ep 507 - A-U-M chanting meditation" on Spreaker.

What’s in this episode of Everyday Meditation?

  • Welcome + getting situated, with a few thoughts on chanting with A-U-M vs OM
  • A little lead-in movement: 90/90 pigeon
  • Breathing practice: Long exhale
  • Meditation technique (awareness kriya): A-U-M (chanting)
  • A little re-grounding movement: Reclining knock knees

As always, I encourage you to make yourself at home in this practice: substitute, modify, do as you need to feel safe and present, including taking breaks!


Integration suggestion

After listening to the episode, perhaps check in: did you notice something that you want to carry with you? If yes, maybe jot it down in a notebook or record a voice memo to help you remember!


"Om" is referred to as the "universal sound" and in the Hindu religion universal sound would also be the divine sound. In western yoga classes, it's practice both with or without deference to its history and context. I would saying I fall in the latter camp, having little knowledge of its religious purpose nor much capacity to wrap my head around there being one universal sound. I leave it to you whether to say or chant OM or A-U-M as you deem sound and right for you.

Be moving, be true, be you

photo credit zac bromell, found on unsplash

Thoughts or questions? I'd love to hear them.

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
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