esther m palmer

chair movement practice 2 - present moment experience

Welcome movers! This week's moved to heal practice is part two in a seven-part series of chair-based forms. The theme is present moment experience.
Listen to "Chair Series TCTSY 2 Present Moment"

About the Chair Series

Each episode in this series uses the same sequence of forms and movements (listed below) with a different theme or guiding principle. There is an element of progression in the themes offered. That said, it is not necessary to move through the series in sequence. You can choose to engage with any episode on its own or the full series in any order.


The forms and movements offered in this Chair Series

  • Feet: point + flex or circle
  • Knees: bend + straighten
  • Hip rotation: ankle to ankle or ankle to knee
  • Torso: twist
  • Shoulders: rolls
  • Neck: rolls
  • Closing

You can participate in this practice by listening and/or moving. You're welcome to do or not do any of the practices, and in whatever manner or degree you choose.

Be moving, be healing, be you
PS. If you'd like to hear more from me, you can sign up for my newsletter.

photo credit mick haupt, found on unsplash

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A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
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copyright © 2025 esther m palmer