esther m palmer

Sometimes, focusing on your breathing just doesn't "work" to calm, center, ground, or meditate. For one reason or another, it's not the thing for the moment. If that sounds like you, you might give this week's practice a try.

The meditation practice

Arohan Awarohan is an ISHTA kriya technique I teach both in meditation and movement. It asks you to move your attention along a figure 8 path around the torso. And while we typically sync that attention to our breathing rhythm, you can choose whether to make your breath a primary or secondary focus. Many of my students find Arohan Awarohan an easy and soothing practice.

How can you use this practice in movement?

Once you've learned the figure 8 path, you can use Arohan Awarohan to focus inward while sitting, walking, and moving through familiar yoga shapes or sequences.


Give it a try when you're ready

Listen to "Ep 464 - How to Practice Arohan Awarohan Kriya" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep 465 - Arohan Awarohan Kriya" on Spreaker.
I'd love to know how it goes. Let me know if you like!


A space to move, heal from daily stresses, and be true to yourself. 
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