Want to center yourself quickly and effectively? Try the "Figure 8 Breath" meditation, also known as Arohan Awarohan kriya. It may just be the thing!
Arohan Awarohan kriya meditation follows a figure 8 pattern of attention --and it mimics one possible pattern of breathing movement. I explain what and how that works in the "how to" episode, and in teaching the practice, I draw on that connection between your focus and your breathing movement.
There are many patterns of breathing that our bodies can take on. The figure 8 breathing pattern can, as an exercise, be centering, kind of like how rocking a baby (or adult!) is soothing. Not everyone will find it useful in this way (full disclosure: I'm in that "not everyone" group!), and some will find it magical. If you give it a try and discover that it's useful for you, I'd love to hear how it turned out!
Listen to "Ep 485 - the Figure 8 Breath, Arohan Awarohan Kriya Meditation" on Spreaker.
Be moving, be true,
photo credit K8 found on unsplash